Der Terror in Israel und die Katastrophe in Gaza

Für den Falter hat Nina Brnada mit Manfred Nowak, Thomas Schmidinger und mir über den Krieg in Gaza gesprochen. Die umfassende Analyse, entlang von neun Leitfragen, steht hier zum download:
1. Was ist Gaza?
2. Was erwartet die Israelis in Gaza?
3. Wie geht es den Zivilisten vor Ort?
4. Was sagt das Völkerrecht?
5. Was ist die Hamas?
6. Wie änderte sich der islamistisch geprägte palästinensische Nationalismus?
7. Sind Sunniten und Schiiten nicht Feinde?
8. Was geschieht im Westjordanland?
9. Was bleibt zu erwarten?

About Adham Hamed

Adham Hamed is a diplomat, peace and conflict researcher and university lecturer. He is currently Head of Reserach at the Austrian Centre for Peace in Schlaining and Vienna as well as Lecturer for International Relations at the University of Vienna’s Political Science Department. Previously he has served at the German Foreign Office in Berlin, where he works as Desk Officer for the Protection of Journalists, Media Makers and Free Speech Defenders in Crises and Conflicts. In this capacity he has been responsible for developing the Hannah-Arendt-Initiative, the Federal Republic of Germany’s new national programme for the protection of journalists. Previously he has worked as a Peace and Conflict Researcher at the University of Innsbruck’s Department of Political Science as well as at the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies. He has been Austrian Coordinator of the Austrian Development Cooperation funded APPEAR project HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation as well as project manager if the UNDP funded project Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System, in which he authored the study Elicitive Peace and Conflict Monitoring: A Pilot Study in Iraq. His research focuses on the areas of peace processes, multi-track diplomacy, elicitive conflict transformation with a focus on the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. Adham Hamed is author of ‘the monographs Elicitive Curricular Development: A Manual for Scholar-Practitioners Developing Courses in International Peace Studies’ (2019, together with Josefina Echavarría Alvarez and Noah Taylor, ‘Speaking the Unspeakable: Sounds of the Middle East Conflict’ (2016) and editor of ‘Revolution as a Process: The Case of the Egyptian Uprising’ and founder of the Many Peaces Magazine.He has studied at the University of Vienna, the United Nations mandated University for Peace and the University of Innsbruck.
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